Friday, June 14, 2013

Making Flea Traps

I decided to buy flea traps last night. I looked online and found them at Home Depot for $14.96 each with the glue board replacement packs for $4.96. Unfortunately they do not sell them in store. Instead I bought four light kits at $4.97 each, a four pack of bulbs were $3.97, and a four pack of glue boards were $3.97. I found paint trays at Dollar Tree and since it allowed a larger surface I used two glue boards. The cost to make each was $8.95 making a savings of $6.00 each. I could have used a dish of soapy water instead of the glue boards and saved an extra two dollars each or even an extra dollar by rigging the bulb up with out using a paint tray. I wanted something stable and easy to move around and did not want to worry about the soapy water drying out or spilling. I spent the $24.00 I would have spent if I had bought the commercial trap on more spray. I used an out door spray on the drive and patio and an indoor one around crevices and the carpet.

After setting up the trays and spraying inside and out I checked the traps. The living room had a few fleas, the one under Charles bed had two (the second one jumped in as I was looking at it), and my room did not have any yet. We did not check the back room. 

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