I recently received the Steampunk goggles and cards project I had backed so I decided to do a post about all my cards so far. They had a selection of goggles that matched the cards and I chose the goggles that matched the Jack of hearts as they reminded me of this curio I made a few years ago. They both have a bee theme. Now I need to make a costume to go with it.
I actually received two deck with this project. I believe the other is probably at AnimeIowa with the kids right now. The deluxe box cover had a train on it and the cards had gold details.
Various backers chose to pay higher levels to get their likeness on the cards.
My first deck through kickstarter is a flip deck. When you flip through from the back the gears turn and from the front the numbers tick down on the time machine.
Another favorite deck was the steampunk pirate decks. I am also missing one of these decks. I believe the kids layed them down somewhere. The face cards on these are based on authors and important people. One of my favorites is Edgar Alan Poe. The Steampunk ABC's was from a previous project that I bought as an add-on with the cards.
This deck, designed by Tesh is fun. I have backed a few of his related projects. The face cards are based on inventors like Nicolas Flammel or tinkers like Tomas Edison. I added on the two dealer coins and received two free dragon treasure coins. The free coins are from backing another persons project. It was a dragon card game and the other dragon coin is with that game. I am currently backing another project by Tesh. It is for more coins. The coins will have holes in the center for axles so they can turn as gears. I missed out on the poker chips that matched this set. Saddly I can't back them all.
My first kickstarter project ever was the tinker dice. I recent received these as we are still waiting for production on the gear punk dice. I chose four gearpunk dice; a D4, a D20, a count down D20, and one I cannot remember. I do remember I chose the zinc finish for those. It has been such a long drawn out process that I was starting to get discouraged. It felt like they would never get done. Getting these beautiful dice in the mail helped renew my faith. I'm sure the others will be just as lovely.
I have backed several other projects that have succeeded. Some even include steampunk themes. Espionage cosmetics came out with geeky nail wraps including steampunk and tentacles. I recommend you check out their website, the wraps are amazing. They have space, comic book themes, and so much more. I also have a geeky sprinkle project I am backing that is in production. Those will include edible sprinkles in fun shapes like gears, tardis, and lightening bolt. I am also backing a card game that is based on steampunk inventions. It is either still funding or recently finished.
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