Sunday, June 30, 2013

Craftsters Challenge is having a Summer Nerd Games crafting challenge. I joined the challenge at the end of the month so I was only able to do three projects. I made a melon trellis for the "zombies ate my brain" challenge. Basically you make something that you don't have to think about too much. I cut 5/8" dowels into 6 and 12" lengths then put it together. There was a lot of tedious filing to get the dowel ends to fit easier.

For the battle royal: horror vs romance, I chose romance. I decided to embroider my rose garden gloves. When I bought them last year I thought they would look nice with a little embroidery. The pink rose embroidery really suits them.

Finally, I made a tardis light strand for the textbook:waves challenge. I need to add three more, but the store was out of the boxes I used. Now to find a place to hang them.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Playing with Polish

I decided to try out the green polish I got in my maven package. I used the glitter polish as well on some accent nails then used some nail appliques I had made.

I then decided to play with some eyeshadow powders to make a frankenpolish. I used black then decided I already have black polish and added the gold as well. It turned out more of a brown, shimmer. I used a tiny bottle of top coat so it was a small batch. I tested it and used gold as an accent. I might try it in the fall, it is a rather dark color.

I was ready to try something new and considered something patriotic. I decided that was too far away for a manicure to last, so went with a nude polish instead. I used Revlons Nail Art Expressionist  in Silhouette. I am a big fan of this one. I also added marque shaped gemstones as well. 

I ordered a couple patriotic glitter polishes from Julep, hopefully they will come before the forth. I look forward to trying them out.

Herb Garden

I have perennial herbs in a half barrel and in the flower bed. The flower bed has both common chives and garlic chives. When I planted them four years ago I also tried planting other things but they are the only thing to survive and keep coming back. I have since planted chrysanthemums but only one of them have come back this year. The half barrel has thyme, mint, lemon balm, and strawberries. I also plant annuals there. A couple years ago I had nasturtium and a lovely anise flavored herb. I can't seem to remember what it was called.

This year I have added three potted herbs; rosemary, boxwood basil, and hot and spicy oregano. I'm really excited about the basil. I have basil and cilantro in with the tomatoes, but this one may actually be able to be brought in to last through the winter. It will be interesting to try. I set up a shelf in front of the window today, so I will have a better place to over winter my plants.

Fairy Gardens

I  have three fairy gardens on my patio. I like the whimsy they bring and two of them are great for shade. This one I started last year, the moss died mid winter and needs replaced.

It had a different handmade arbor that I replaced with one I got in a kit used to make this one. It is my gnome garden.

This last one started with some lovely clematis. I used the leftover moss and pebbles from my terrariums to mulch it. I decided it would make a perfect surface for another fairy garden. The chair came from the gnome garden kit and a couple days later my mother found the tray with pitcher and goblets at a garage sale. It reminds me of Rivendale for some reason. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Playful Day

Since posting my injured foot i realized that I really need a pedicure. I decided to do something playful on the big toes and a bright red on the rest of the toes. I still have one toe left unpainted. I'm considering painting it black when I switch to adhesive bandages. Which will be tomorrow as I only have enough gauze for tonight's dressing change. I can't really see it and it still hurts, but it seems to be doing well.

Just for fun, I thought I would try taking pictures with a novelty toy lens. This is one of my fairy gardens.

 As usual Charles is underdressed while Danny is overdressed. At least he is not wearing his coat.

Julep Maven Introductory Package

I received my Maven  Boho Glam introductory package yesterday. I ordered the nail polish remover and a mystery polish as an add on. The add on color was Camille, it is a white opulence glitter polish. They also threw in a sample of they Rock Star moisturizer.

My package included the exfoliating scrub for hands. I have used it a couple times, as well as trying the sample of Rock Star. They smell nice and seem to work. I would purchase the scrub again, not sure about the moisturizer. I had two polishes in my package; Millie, a navy blue cream and Etta, a peridot frost-like shimmer. I chose this package because I have been wanting a navy polish. This one seems to have a gray tone to it and I am very happy with it. They also included an emeryboard and a polish remover wipe. I hope it is better than the other brand I purchased, as they dried out before I could use them. I would not use a wipe on a daily basis, but they are nice to have in your purse. Assuming they do not dry out before you can use them. It would be nice if they were also felt pads like the others though. 

I really was looking forward to the remover as mine was almost empty and I couldn't find it yesterday. I like the top to it. There is less spilling when I am trying to balance everything on the edge of my computer table. I almost took out my mouse once. This one is low and stable so there is less risk of tipping and you only need one hand to use. It does leak some when layed on its side.

I did a quick test of Millie and Camille. Millie went on nicely. Camille was similar to another polish I had, so I did a comparison test.

Camille was thicker, had different sizes, and better coverage. Although sometimes a touch of glitter is all you need. The other brand also smelled like caramel, but my daughter will like it. I also gave her a light green shimmer polish I had. Etta was a nicer shade and you only need one. I was really happy with my package. Next time I will try the Camille with the Etta as they seem to go better than with the Millie.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Busy Day

I decided to try another challenge polish look, your fav summer fruit. I chose strawberries. That is my second strawberry from the garden this year. Unfortunately, both of my hanging strawberry plant are dying from too much rain, etc. Luckily, I had two plant I started last year in my herb bed. They seem to be doing fine and are producing this year.

I went to my mom's house today.When I got there she showed me her raised bed and since I had been meaning to help her with it, we filled it with soil and started laying pavers around it. The front was a little sloped so I was using a tilling fork to break up and even the ground. I had layed the fork off to the side as I placed the stones and I stepped unto it. It went straight through my toe. I had my mom pull my toe free and take me to the hospital. Funny thing is I was worried about messing up my nails, not injuring myself.

My stepdad has always told us to wear proper shoes outside. I was wearing sandles when it happened.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Nail Art Skittles Challenge

I have been trying to learn nail art. I have been following all of the latest trends. I have been watching videos, reading blogs, and following pins. I have tried velvet nails, caviar nails, stamping plates, painted work, making appliques, and using temporary tattoos.

This mani includes a turquoise tattoo and an orange striping brush.

A few of the blogs I am following are participating in a Into summer Challenge so I thought I would give it a try, unofficially. The first one I tried was a skittle mani. The colors were inspired by the dots on the swirl tattoo. I then used the colors from the accent nail to do half moons that have dotted outlines. The green one reminded me of kiwi, so I am calling it kiwi swirl.

It isn't my favorite manicure, but I do like half moons on short nails.

Making Flea Traps

I decided to buy flea traps last night. I looked online and found them at Home Depot for $14.96 each with the glue board replacement packs for $4.96. Unfortunately they do not sell them in store. Instead I bought four light kits at $4.97 each, a four pack of bulbs were $3.97, and a four pack of glue boards were $3.97. I found paint trays at Dollar Tree and since it allowed a larger surface I used two glue boards. The cost to make each was $8.95 making a savings of $6.00 each. I could have used a dish of soapy water instead of the glue boards and saved an extra two dollars each or even an extra dollar by rigging the bulb up with out using a paint tray. I wanted something stable and easy to move around and did not want to worry about the soapy water drying out or spilling. I spent the $24.00 I would have spent if I had bought the commercial trap on more spray. I used an out door spray on the drive and patio and an indoor one around crevices and the carpet.

After setting up the trays and spraying inside and out I checked the traps. The living room had a few fleas, the one under Charles bed had two (the second one jumped in as I was looking at it), and my room did not have any yet. We did not check the back room. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Struggle between Organic and Chemicals with Fleas

I have had pets indoors and out and have never had a real problem with fleas until recently. I found Max the Sunday before Thanksgiving last year. I fed him, took him to the vet, had him neutered, and checked for fleas. He was in good health and had no fleas. Everything was great until spring. I've used frontline, diatomaceous earth, flea spray, bug bombs, vacuuming, bathing cat, combing cat, drowning ones I could catch in soapy water, laundering clothes and it has been a constant battle. Hopefully it is coming to an end. It has worn me down, stressed me out, and used up time and money I really don't have. On top of that, someone at work found out and threw it in my face last night in a rather rude manner. Still, my Maxie is worth it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Raised Bed Gardening

Before I discovered raised beds I had dismal luck with gardening. I had watched my grandparents garden, seemingly effortlessly and could not figure out what I was doing wrong. Partly, it was the climates, partly the soil, and I was not using a style that fit my commitment standards. The raised bed is more versatile and can take much less work. I've been using this raised bed for four years now and I learn something every year.

It has filled in and I also have several pots of plants. I will try to do an updated post soon.