Max claimed the talking Stimpy plushy from Ren and Stimpy. I did not allow them to watch that cartoon so it went over their head.
The Simpson's however was a family favorite. We received the Moe Sizzlak keychain. I'm not sure how you spell that?
Family Guy was not my favorite show. I found it obnoxious and offensive. While I did discourage watching it I did not ban it outright. The kids were teens when it came out. The Quagmire lip balm is as greasy as his character. I don't mind it so much in a lip balm.
The big item was the TMNT figurine. Danny claimed this one. I actually like it although it was one of the cartoons I was forced to watch growing up. I'm sure Becky, my youngest sister, would be jealous.
I think Charles claimed the 9000 sticker, Danny the other. The Teenage Mutant Storm Trooper magnet went on the fridge. I had to ask about the "It over 9000" sticker. These boxes seem to open up little conversation starters with the boys each month. This time I knew something first. I knew who Egoraptor was, only because I follow Mortem3r on youtube and he appears in some of her unboxing videos. The Pikachu sticker was from one of his animations. I really need to check it out. Danny loves Pokemon and is always trying to get me to watch cartoons with him.
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