Monday, October 21, 2013

Zag Max Mystery Box, Avon Haul, and Challenge Entry

I walked down to the post office to check on my Avon order and found my  Julep mystery box was waiting for me as well. I had to ask if I had any packages as they are not very good at passing out slips. Since I was not receiving emails from Julep I had no idea when it would come. The postal worker was nicer today.

I opened my mystery box first, it was a large box with two smaller boxes inside. When I opened the smallest box I was confused. I first noticed the loose candy corn. This is my fourth box with a pack of candy corn and I've passed the others off to Danny. He won't mind that a few escaped their packet. The color selection of the polish was off some how. I had Charlie- bright yellow cream, Madison- bright pink jelly, Marion- turquoise shimmer, and a silver blue? It seems they sent me Fina instead of Fiona- ogre green. I really wanted that green.

I then opened the larger box and found my mystery items. I had peeked at others boxes so I knew I was going to get the dry shampoo, sea salt spray, beach tonic, and one step. I even know Nellie- fushia and Clara- peach cream, were some of the colors sent out. Nellie was the only duplicate this time and I was thrilled to get the hair products. I did not notice at first, but I was missing the zigzag stickers.

I called Julep and they said they would send out Fiona and I could keep Fina as it was their mistake. I was not on the list for missing stickers, but they would be sending those out as well. She also fixed the email problem and checked on an order that had given me an error message. If they had not sent the wrong polish I would probably not called them.

My Avon order came with my eyebrow kit, a eyebrow pencil, eyeliner in plum, navy and pewter, and finally a cuticle cream. I had bought a cuticle scraper as my polish was looking uneven and I thought the cream would help too. I tested out the eye brow kit and pencil. The colors are good, the application needs work. The brush in the kit is junk. It is too small and stiff. It doesn't smooth out wax neatly and just digs into powder. The pencil needs a careful touch so they don't look drawn on. I used short strokes but used too much pressure for one stroke and had to blend it in. I think these could work well as a team if I use my other angled brush.

I was playing with my frankenpolish. Today is the deadline for nail art inspired challenge. I entered this post:

There were only two other entries at the time. One used her snakes shedded skin as a nail applique and the other matched her nail stamps to her henna tattoos. 

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